A Planning Application (241556) has been made to materially extend the Leathern Bottel on Barkham Road and also to provide guest accommodation in the grounds. The Consultation Period will end on the 25th July 2024. Comments can be made on the WBC site using the link on the reference number above.
The application appears to be made in conjunction with the earlier application (232621) for outline consent on land behind the pub for 60 houses which has not yet been determined. We have already recommended that residents oppose this application.
A further previous application (231990) to move the entrance has been refused by WBC.
The access road is to be shared by both intended developments. With the substantial increase in traffic that would be generated by the two developments there must be a considerable concern over highway safety and whether there are sufficient sight lines along Barkham Road to the west .
Kind Regards
Please note all previous DevWatch alerts can be viewed on the BVRA website at https://barkham.org.uk/devwatch
WBC is an abbreviation for Wokingham Borough Council
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