2024-02-22 New Houses On Hayes Lane and Revised Plans For Barkham Ride

2024-02-22 New Houses On Hayes Lane and Revised Plans For Barkham Ride

‍Barkham Village

Residents Association

DevWatch Alert

New Application For Houses On Hayes Lane and Revised Plans For Barkham Ride

We want to advise you of two submissions for approval by WBC. 

1. New Application 233143 for three new 5 bedroomed houses to replace an existing empty property at the end of Hayes Lane adjacent to the bridleway leading to the Coombes.


This proposal is completely inappropriate for several reasons:

  • The total footprint for the proposed three properties is more than double the area occupied by the current building.
  • Access to the site is via a public bridleway with access rights for vehicles to existing properties only. 
  • The site is 100m from the Coombes Woodland, a local geological site and ancient woodland. 
  • WBC have previously rejected applications adjacent to the Coombes due to having an adverse impact on the character of the countryside. This application has a similar impact.
  • Allowing this application could set a precedent for further development of the open countryside on Hayes Lane

Details of the application and comments can be submitted on the WBC website at

https://planning.wokingham.gov.uk/FastWebPL/detail.asp?AltRef=233143. Comments should be submitted by 11th March.


2. Revised Application 230971 for twenty six new houses at 31 Barkham Ride.

The number of houses remains unchanged, and it appears
 the main change is to the layout at the northern end of the site. We believe this does nothing to change our views expressed in a previous DevWatch alert.

Previously made comments will be taken into account in determining this application but if you wish to make new comments please do so by 26th Feb at 


Kind Regards


Please note all previous DevWatch alerts can be viewed on the BVRA website at https://barkham.org.uk/devwatch

WBC is an abbreviation for Wokingham Borough Council


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