Barkham Village Residents Association

2020-01-31 Application 200041 for a Certificate for Lawful Use as a Dwelling - comments by 3 February

2020-01-31 Application 200041 for a Certificate for Lawful Use as a Dwelling - comments by 3 February
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DevWatch Alert
Application 200041 for a Certificate for Lawful Use as a Dwelling
- comments by 3 February



The applicant is seeking a Certificate of Lawful Existing Use and Development for a structure that has been at Barkham Manor Farm since 2009, on the basis that it has been in existence without planning authority and remained unchallenged. There are two aspects this; the legality of the structure as constructed and how it has been used.

Barkham Manor Farm’s application 200041 seeks to turn the temporary dwelling permanent, even though the permanent house is now being lived in, and allow it to be used as a non-agricultural residence. 

The consolidation of two residences, with permission for one not to be confined to agricultural worker usage, would mean more traffic past the Manor, make it more difficult to resist other businesses being run from the premises and potentially more residential development in the future.

Recognition is being sought that the temporary dwelling’s existence and use have not been in accordance with any planning approval. That has only been the case since some time after July 2017, less than 3 years ago and within the relevant enforcement period. The requested certificate for lawful existing use should therefore not be granted and the structure should be fully removed from the site without further delay.

Apologies for the late notiification, but comments on this application must be made on the WBC website by next Monday, 3 February at

Kind Regards 

Please note all previous DevWatch alerts can be viewed on the BVRA website at 

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