Barkham Village Residents Association

Our Archive of DevWatch Emails (latest first)

2024-07-22 Planning Application at the Leathern Bottel, Barkham Rd

2024-06-28 Proposed Development North of School Road

2024-06-21 June Update

2024-04-30 Proposed Children's Home

2024-04-11 Car Thefts

2024-04-11 Application For Houses Adjacent To Barkham Manor Refused

2024-03-01 Hayes Lane Planning Application Withdrawn

2024-02-22 New Houses On Hayes Lane and Revised Plans For Barkham Ride

2024-01-30 Planning Application for Houses East of Barkham Manor

2023-11-29 Good News, Coombes Purchase Completed

2023-11-19 Revised Planning Application For Homes Off Blagrove Lane

2023-11-14 Planning Application For Homes Off Langley Common Road

2023-11-02 Planning Applications at Limmer Hill Rd and Barkham Ride

BV2-23-10-16 Planning Application for 26 Homes on Barkham Ride

2023-10-10 Leathern Bottel Entrance Planning Application Refused

2023-09-13 More Good News Instalcom Appeal Rejected

2023-09-12 Good News Proposed Edneys Hill Development

2023-09-09 Leathern Bottel Update

2023-09-06 Planning application to move the Leathern Bottel road entrance

2023-07-04 Public consultation: Proposed residential redevelopment of land off Langley Common Road, Arborfield

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